JALPARNI | Water Hyacinth


JALPARNI | Water Hyacinth

Water Hyacinth is known by various names. It is called “Water Hyacinth” in English and its scientific name is Eichhornia crassipes. In India, it is known by different names in various languages, such as:

Hindi: Jal-Kumbhi, Jalparni

Bengali: কচুরিপানা (Kochuripana)

Marathi: तेरडा (Terda)

Tamil: அகத்தி (Agathi)

Telugu: తేనెగుడ్డ (Tenegudda)

Kannada: ನೀರಳ್ಳಿ (Neeralli)

These names may vary based on local languages and dialects.


Water Hyacinth has round and thick leaves that float on the surface of water. Its flowers are either purple or blue in color, which are quite attractive. Due to its rapid growth, Water Hyacinth can become a major problem in aquatic ecosystems.

The plant grows rapidly and can quickly cover large water bodies in a short time. It creates a dense canopy on the surface of the water, preventing sunlight from reaching underwater plants and aquatic organisms, causing harm to them. Additionally, dense patches of Water Hyacinth obstruct waterways, hindering navigation and fishing activities.

Water Hyacinth is mostly found in tropical and subtropical regions and spreads rapidly in stagnant or slow-moving water bodies. Its leaves and stems have air-filled cavities that help it float on the water surface. Its roots are long and dense, which absorb nutrients from the water as it floats.

The spread of Water Hyacinth is so rapid that it can completely cover ponds, lakes, rivers, and other water bodies within a few months. Its uncontrolled spread not only affects aquatic ecosystems but also has negative impacts on the lives and livelihoods of local communities.

Therefore, various measures are used to control Water Hyacinth, including mechanical, chemical, and biological methods. The goal is to limit the spread of Water Hyacinth and maintain the balance of aquatic ecosystems.

Water Hyacinth: Journey from South America to India

Water Hyacinth, originally from South America, has spread to various parts of the world, including India. The story of Water Hyacinth’s introduction to India is interesting and raises several concerns.

Entry into India Water Hyacinth was introduced to India as an ornamental plant at the end of the 19th century. Its beautiful purple and blue flowers attracted people, and it was planted in ponds and lakes for decoration purposes. At that time, awareness about the harmful effects of this plant was lacking.

Rapid Spread The climate and water conditions in India proved to be highly conducive for Water Hyacinth. It started spreading rapidly and soon covered ponds, lakes, and rivers within a short period. Its rapid growth capacity made it a major problem. Water Hyacinth forms a dense canopy on the water surface, blocking waterways and adversely affecting local ecosystems.

Control Efforts Several efforts have been made in India to control the uncontrolled spread of Water Hyacinth, including mechanical, chemical, and biological methods. However, despite these efforts, the plant continues to be a problem in many water bodies, necessitating constant efforts to deal with its impacts.

Thus, what was introduced as an ornamental plant, Water Hyacinth has now become a serious challenge for aquatic ecosystems in India. Dedicated efforts for its control and awareness are necessary to address this issue.

Benefits of Water Hyacinth:

Water Purification:

Water Hyacinth assists in purifying water. It absorbs heavy metals such as lead and cadmium, as well as other pollutants present in water. It improves the quality of water and helps in cleaning polluted water sources, making it particularly useful in areas where water pollution is a major concern.

Agricultural Use:

Water Hyacinth can be used as dried and composted fertilizer. It enhances soil fertility and promotes plant growth. Water Hyacinth contains nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are beneficial for crops. It can be a cheap and readily available fertilizer option for farmers.

Paper Industry:

The fibers of Water Hyacinth can also be used in papermaking. Its fibers are strong and durable, making them suitable for paper production. Using Water Hyacinth in paper manufacturing can reduce the need for indiscriminate deforestation, thus aiding in environmental conservation.

Animal Feed:

Water Hyacinth can be dried and processed into animal feed. It is rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals, which are beneficial for animal health. It can be included in the diet of cattle, buffalo, goats, and other domestic animals. Its use can reduce the cost of animal feed and benefit farmers economically.

    In this way, Water Hyacinth is not just a problem, but it also has several benefits that can be useful in the environmental and agricultural sectors. With proper management and control, Water Hyacinth can be utilized as a resource.

    Disadvantages of Water Hyacinth:

    Waterway Obstruction:

    Water Hyacinth spreads over the water surface, causing it to become congested and obstructed. This obstructs waterways, making navigation of boats difficult and affecting water transportation.

    Depletion of Oxygen:

    The proliferation of Water Hyacinth creates dense coverings on the water surface, resulting in reduced oxygen levels in the water. This can lead to oxygen depletion for aquatic organisms, posing a threat to their survival.

    Water Degradation:

    Water Hyacinth absorbs a large amount of water, which can lead to the depletion of water sources and water degradation. It destabilizes the aquatic ecosystem and can be a cause of water scarcity.

    Breeding Ground for Mosquitoes:

    The proliferation of Water Hyacinth creates a more favorable environment for mosquitoes, which can lead to the spread of diseases such as malaria and dengue. This poses a health risk to people and can contribute to the spread of diseases.

      Due to the excessive growth of Water Hyacinth and its detrimental effects, it becomes a cause of aquatic crisis and affects the ecosystem. Active efforts are needed to control it to protect aquatic life.

      Control Measures for Water Hyacinth:

      Mechanical Methods:

      Water Hyacinth can be removed using mechanical methods, which may involve manual removal or the use of specialized machinery. This can be an effective approach to control the growth of Water Hyacinth and manage its proliferation.

      Chemical Methods:

      The use of herbicides can also help control the growth of Water Hyacinth. These chemical substances assist in inhibiting the development of Water Hyacinth and reducing its presence. They are applied to local water bodies and rivers to mitigate the impact of Water Hyacinth.

        These control measures can aid in managing the growth of Water Hyacinth and maintaining the integrity of aquatic ecosystems. They should be implemented with proper assessment and used judiciously to avoid any environmental harm.


        Thus, Water Hyacinth poses a significant challenge to aquatic ecosystems. Careful implementation of control measures is necessary to mitigate its uncontrolled growth. Contributions from all of us are crucial to prevent the spread of Water Hyacinth and maintain balanced aquatic ecosystems. This not only ensures the protection of our environment but also safeguards the livelihoods and well-being of our communities.

        Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

        1. What is Water Hyacinth?

        Answer: Water Hyacinth is a specific type of plant that floats on the surface of water. Its scientific name is Eichhornia crassipes.

        1. Where is Water Hyacinth found?

        Answer: Water Hyacinth is native to South America but is now spread across various parts of the world.

        1. What are the benefits of Water Hyacinth?

        Answer: Water Hyacinth can be used in agriculture as fertilizer, for water purification, and as animal feed.

        1. What are the disadvantages of Water Hyacinth?

        Answer: Uncontrolled growth of Water Hyacinth can cause problems for aquatic ecosystems, such as blocking waterways and creating oxygen depletion.

        1. How can Water Hyacinth be controlled?

        Answer: Mechanical, chemical, and biological methods can be used for Water Hyacinth control. This includes manual removal, herbicide application, and introduction of natural predators.

        1. What is the scientific name of Water Hyacinth?

        Answer: The scientific name of Water Hyacinth is Eichhornia crassipes.

        1. What color are the flowers of Water Hyacinth?

        Answer: The flowers of Water Hyacinth are purple and blue.

        1. How rapidly does Water Hyacinth spread?

        Answer: Water Hyacinth spreads very rapidly and can cover water bodies in a short amount of time.

        1. What social initiatives exist for the control of Water Hyacinth?

        Answer: Several social initiatives, such as environmental conservation campaigns, establishment of water conservation organizations, and awareness programs for water conservation, can aid in controlling Water Hyacinth.

        1. Are there laws for the conservation and management of Water Hyacinth?

        Answer: Yes, there are specific laws for the conservation and management of Water Hyacinth in many states and union territories.

        1. What are the effects of uncontrolled growth of Water Hyacinth?

        Answer: Uncontrolled growth of Water Hyacinth can cause problems for aquatic ecosystems, such as blocking waterways and creating oxygen depletion.

        1. What is the most affected area by Water Hyacinth?

        Answer: The maximum problem area of Water Hyacinth is often near urban areas, such as ponds and rivers.

        1. Is scientific research being conducted on Water Hyacinth?

        Answer: Yes, scientific studies are being conducted on the destruction and control of Water Hyacinth, as well as on the potential benefits of its use.

        1. Are there any specific reasons for the population growth of Water Hyacinth?

        Answer: Several factors, such as pollution of water sources, misuse, and environmental changes, could contribute to the population growth of Water Hyacinth.


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